Finding healthy peanut butter

Peanut butter is a staple for so many people whether it be on a sandwich, a celery stick, or mixed with chocolate in a dessert. But while most peanut butter tastes the same, there’s an enormous difference between how healthy they are. Nutritionally, I actually prefer other nut butters (i.e. almond butter, cashew butter, walnut

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The worst item in the grocery store (shocking)

In this video, I was on a quest to find the most harmful product, in my opinion, in the entire grocery store. The product I landed on surprised a lot of people because it wasn’t in the candy aisle or bakery. It was actually found in the frozen food aisle. Note: On multiple platforms, this

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Hidden ingredients in produce

How ’bout them apples? Too often, produce in grocery stores has a wax added to it that is designed to make the produce last longer. This wax is a preservative that is added to the apple to help increase profits for grocery stores – not to make you healthier. These two videos breaks down this

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Cucumber carrot pulp face mask

Practical pulp Juicing is a lot of fun. It’s a fun way to introduce a large amount of nutrients into your body quickly without challenging your digestive tract. But after juicing, we’re often left with a real mess. A glob of fruit and vegetable pulp that can clog your drain or attract bugs if left

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Reading labels in the grocery store

Unfortunately, due to consumer ignorance and government regulatory failure, some of the healthiest labeled items in your grocery store, are actually some of the worst for you. For a video on the absolute worst item in the grocery store, click here. Focus on the ingredients As outlined in my TED TALK, when reading food labels,

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Canned or frozen vegetables?

Fresh produce is healthier than frozen or canned vegetables, and frozen vegetables are far superior to canned vegetables. The reason is because in order to have vegetables last in a can, food companies are going to need some sort of preservative. You will often see canned foods with “no preservatives” on the label, but this is

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Dirty tricks by food manufacturers

Non-stick spray Spraying agents like Crisco and Pam, are a classic example of food manufacturers using dirty tricks on their food labels to make a product seem healthier than it is. As explained in the my TED TALK, it’s important to focus on the ingredients in a food label, rather than the math (calories, fat,

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Why produce size matters

Organic vs. conventional Before we jump into how to save money by buying superior produce at a cheaper cost, I’m going to outline the difference between organic and conventional produce items. If your produce is certified organic, it’s guaranteed not to be genetically modified. If it’s certified organic, it’s guaranteed not to have been sprayed

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Butter, margarine, and coconut oil

The best spread Whether it’s for your baked potato, your toast or your popcorn, having a some sort of spread on it, almost seems like a necessity. Although all spreads improve texture and taste and provide some sort of fat content to your meal, the differences between them are striking, with some providing beneficial healthy

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Buying healthy salad dressing

Which salad dressing is best? Salad dressings can be a major reason why your past diets or attempts at weight loss have failed. Salad dressings, believe it or not, can be one of the most unhealthy items in grocery stores. And this is really a shame too, because they’re often used by well-meaning people who

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